Free Spins valued at 10p & valid for 7 days after acceptance. If the concept of a “pip” isn’t already confusing enough for the new forex trader, let’s try to make you even more confused and point out that a “point” or “pipette” or “fractional pip” is equal to a “tenth of a pip“. For instance, if GBP/USD moves from 1.30542 to 1.30543, that.00001 USD move higher is ONE PIPETTE.
Output installed packages in requirements format.
packages are listed in a case-insensitive sorted order.
¶Use the order in the given requirements file and its comments when generating output. This option can be used multiple times.
¶URL for finding packages, which will be added to the output.
¶If in a virtualenv that has global access, do not output globally-installed packages.
¶Only output packages installed in user-site.
¶Restrict to the specified installation path for listing packages (can be used multiple times).
Do not skip these packages in the output: setuptools, distribute, pip, wheel
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¶Exclude editable package from output.

¶Exclude specified package from the output
Generate output suitable for a requirements file.
Generate a requirements file and then install from it in another environment.
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We are currently doing research to improve pip’s documentationand would love your feedback.Please ?subject=[Doc: reference/pip_freeze] Pip docs feedback (URL: https://) &body=%0A%20%20%20%200.%20Document:%20reference/pip_freeze.%20Page%20URL:%20https://%20%0A%0A%20%20%20%201.%20What%20problem%20were%20you%20trying%20to%20solve%20when%20you%20came%20to%20this%20page?%20%0A%0A%20%20%20%202.%20What%20content%20was%20useful?%20%0A%0A%20%20%20%203.%20What%20content%20was%20not%20useful?'>email us and let us know:
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A wrapper for pip download in offline scenario.
Project description
pip-download is a tool which can be used to download python projects and their dependencies listed onpypi's download files
page. If you run the pip-download
command to download one project on a Linux platform, packages end with .whl
and can be directly installed on a Windows and a macOS platform will also be downloaded. In that way, you can use these downloaded packages to serve for a minimal pypi sever(like pypiserver ) on your company internal network.
At first, it uses pip download xxx
command to download packages of the project xxx
to a temp dir. Then it unpacks these downloaded packages' name and version to download all packages of the project xxx
. These downloaded packages include packages end with .whl
built on the Linux, Windows, macOS platform and the source packages end with .tar.gz
or .zip
pip-download is distributed on PyPI and is available on Linux/macOS and Windows and supportsPython 3.6+. You can simply install pip-download as below:
However, it's a better choice to use a virtual environment:
virtualenv is also a good choice.
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After installation, you can use pip-download to download python projects and its dependencies.
Also, you can put your common options in the config file, python_versions
and platform_tags
are supported now:

For more usage, use pip-download --help

- All the people who work on Click
- All the people involved in the project hatch
Release historyRelease notifications RSS feed
Pip Free Spins Game
Download files
Pip Free Spins Free
Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.
Filename, size | File type | Python version | Upload date | Hashes |
Filename, size pip_download-0.3.1-py3-none-any.whl (13.9 kB) | File type Wheel | Python version py3 | Upload date | Hashes |
Filename, size pip-download-0.3.1.tar.gz (11.6 kB) | File type Source | Python version None | Upload date | Hashes |
Hashes for pip_download-0.3.1-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm | Hash digest |
SHA256 | 50e28b587fbf22bada395938a43472b47a496470b44f9b098230e9e15f148965 |
MD5 | ea7aedc6d62200ca2d974b2f888a1cc6 |
BLAKE2-256 | 2f3da41aa2622da6198288ca78218bed1bbede55393c7a19d63619d866f4d065 |
Hashes for pip-download-0.3.1.tar.gz
Algorithm | Hash digest |
SHA256 | e6fd82ae8e09cd8d4efa77dc28ebf179513acd7c2da3fe67ed5a700decf735d5 |
MD5 | 2c6e5280631d17f6194a3b572eb29f4f |
BLAKE2-256 | 435e2133142e5fafddf4d2b1b37068ac00191f4e6c302b921eb99aa5c6f29e01 |